Advantages and importance of JEK2
The JEK2 project is a key measure for accelerating the achievement of the goals of climate neutrality and the decarbonisation of the Slovenian electric power grid, while it also contributes to the reduction of Slovenia’s dependence on energy imports. It is a crucial and feasible project for the future supply of domestically produced electricity to Slovenia, and is the appropriate response to the key challenges of the energy trilemma, which are:
- the safe and reliable supply of energy;
- energy equity and affordability; and
- environmental sustainability.
Climate, environment and space
The JEK2 project is a key measure for accelerating the achievement of the goals of climate neutrality and the decarbonisation of the Slovenian electric power grid, while it also contributes to the reduction of Slovenia’s dependence on energy imports. Greenhouse gas emissions over the entire life cycle of JEK2 will be among the lowest relative to other energy sources, including renewable sources, which will contribute significantly to the reduction of CO2 emissions at the national level.
Climate, environment and space
Positive economic effects
The project brings high-quality and stable, high value-added jobs, business opportunities for Slovenian companies from different economic sectors and multiplicative effects on GDP.
Positive economic effects
Reliable and safe supply
It is a crucial and feasible project for the future supply of domestically produced electricity to Slovenia, and is the appropriate response to the key challenges of the energy trilemma. The reliable and weather-independent functioning of JEK2 will provide major support for increasing the proportion of renewable energy sources and thus Slovenia’s transition to a low-carbon society. As a reliable and abundant source of low-carbon electricity, nuclear power plants can also serve as a potential source for the production of clean heat, hydrogen and synthetic fuels in the future.
Reliable and safe supply